The Risks Of Using Cheap SEO Services

Often when we sit down to write an answer to a question about SEO, we often do not fill the entire page. With the question ‘What are the risks of using cheap SEO services?’ the problem could be that we need multiple pages to answer it. The reason for that is using an SEO agency that does everything ‘on the cheap’ can create multiple issues for your website and in turn your business, many of which are irreversible.

Let’s start with a harsh truth that applies as much to the field of SEO, as they do in any industry. There will always be those who try to cut corners, use dubious tactics, employ high-risk techniques, and do it all for an easy payout. They set their prices low because that is the only way they can hope to compete with professionals in their field.

We are not to saying that all these cheap SEO agencies are dishonest or doing anything illegal, but with SEO, as with any product or service, you will ultimately only get what you pay for. If you pay bottom dollar for SEO services, then do not be surprised if, instead of being at the top of the rankings, you end up at the bottom of them.

With cheap SEO services, the research that takes place is likely to be extremely limited. Specifically, the SEO audit, if it takes place at all, will not analyse many of the most critical SEO factors that exist on your website. Thereafter, any plan which is cobbled together will be severely compromised and lacking any credible actions that are going to make a significant difference to your ranking.

What Services Does A Digital Marketing Agency Offer?

The services each individual marketing agency will offer may differ slightly from company to company but you should expect them all to offer a similar set of core services. The primary one is likely to be search engine optimisation (SEO) which involves a comprehensive strategy and several actions to try and improve the search engine rankings of the client’s company website.

Another core service will be pay per click advertising (PPC), and this is most likely going to focus on Google Ads, although there are other PPC networks. Additional services that can be employed separately, although more likely in conjunction with the above, will be content management, link building, conversion optimisation, and reputation management.

Do I need a blog?
While it is not essential, if you don’t have a blog you are missing a great opportunity to communicate with visitors to your website, create trust with them, and enhance your brand. On top of that, there is also the boost to your SEO that having excellent content on your website in the form of your blog can provide. If you are concerned that you do not have the time or would struggle to come with ideas to write about, then be assured these can both be overcome.

The easiest way to do so is to employ a third party to take care of your content management, including your blog. A digital marketing agency will have a team of writers who can produce high-quality content for your blog on a regular basis, allowing you to get on with running your business.

7 Benefits Of Having Your Offices Professionally Cleaned

Having offices cleaned would not normally be at the top of the list of most important tasks that a business owner has to deal with, and unfortunately many even look upon office cleaning as a necessary evil. When they think about cleaning many business owners see it as a zero gain exercise that contributes nothing to their business and is simply a cost that has to be endured.

This is a regrettable view to take because there are several advantages of having offices professionally cleaned, which can have a positive effect on that business. If you wish to know what those benefits are, please read on.

Healthier Workforce

It stands to reason that any environment in which people work is going to be healthier if it is cleaned regularly than if it is not. Professional cleaning does not only reduce physical dangers such as debris and spills on the floor, but it also eliminates health risks such as allergens, pollutants, and contaminants, all of which makes your office a healthier workplace.

The Four Steps Towards The Family Court Determining A Fair And Reasonable Property Settlement

In accordance with Australian family law, reputable divorce attorneys like those from Davies Family Lawyers will inform you that in the event of a divorce between married couples or separation of couples in a de facto relationship, a resolution on property distribution must be achieved. Aside from the property that the couple owns such as their home, this also encompasses a range of other assets that have value, such as savings, stocks and shares, furniture, jewellery, vehicles, and essentially anything that is considered the couple’s joint property.

The journey from a couple separating and the property settlement being finalised usually has four distinct stages. Whilst it is possible for either or both of them to go through this process without a family lawyer unless they are fully conversant with property settlement processes, it would be wise to seek the advice of family lawyers at the very least. As for the property settlement process, here it is from step 1 through to step 4.

Step 1: Assessing The Property Values

The first step is probably the simplest one although it may require a reasonable amount of research to determine some specific values. In effect, the couple each list their assets and their liabilities. This is done on both an individual basis and for them as a couple, where they have a joint savings account, for example. Assets jointly owned with third parties should also be included such as joint ownership of a business.

6 Common FAQs Business Owners Ask About Commercial Lifts

Any business owner considering the installation of commercial lifts in any premises they are responsible for is bound to have several questions which they want to be answered. In most cases, some research might answer those questions, and almost certainly, any commercial lift installation company will be happy to answer the questions of a potential client.

What the specific questions about commercial lifts could be, will certainly differ from business to business, however, there are some which are almost certain to come up. To move a step forward to being able to make decisions about a new lift for your business, here are 6 of the most common questions asked by business owners about commercial lifts.

Should I Install A Commercial Lift For My Business?

If your business is housed across multiple floors of the building you are in, or you own a business premises that exists across several floors, then there are several merits of having a lift installed. A lift can add to the value of a commercial property, it makes life for those working in the building easier as they do not have to climb up and down stairs, using a lift is safer than using stairs, and it creates a great impression for those visiting the building, including clients.

10 Benefits Of A Discretionary Trust Running A Business

Trusts have been around for centuries, and commercial law embraces them as a legitimate means to operate a business. Whilst there are many types of trusts, the one type that you are most likely to see used for businesses is a discretionary trust.

A discretionary trust operates on the basis that it has discretionary beneficiaries. These are the individuals and companies that may receive capital and income from the trust at the discretion of the trustee. Discretionary trusts have several benefits within the realms of running businesses, and here are ten of the most important.

Flexibility: One of the most cited reasons for using a discretionary trust to run a business is its flexibility. Trust deeds can now be amended to add or remove beneficiaries without any implications for stamp duty. It also allows the trustee to amend the trust deed to take account of new tax legislation and other laws, such as commercial law.

Tax Streaming: This is the legitimate practice of the trustee deciding each tax year, who to distribute the trust’s taxable income to. By streaming income proportionately to specific beneficiaries, especially those in lower tax brackets, and those who have had a capital loss, it reduces the amount of tax paid by the trustees across the board.

What Are The Rights of Minority Shareholders?

You might imagine that under commercial law the majority shareholder holds all the power and that what they say goes. This is true to an extent, however, minority shareholders do have rights and commercial law has clear guidelines as to how those rights must be honoured.

A minority shareholder is someone or an institution that holds less than 50% of the shares of a company. In normal circumstances, this means that, regardless of the views, opinions or wishes of minority shareholders, if the majority who hold over 50% individually or collectively, take the opposite view, then the majority’s view will prevail.

Whilst it is always advisable that you speak to a professional financial advisor before entering into an arrangment like this, it is a simple principle to understand and is nothing sinister, as in many walks of life the majority view prevails. In all kinds of organisations, including governments,  50% +1 is enough to carry any vote. Within companies, this is the same, but that does not mean minority shareholders do not have rights and obligations akin to those of majority shareholders, as we will now explain.

Minority Shareholders Rights

Many of the rights that majority shareholders have also belong to minority shareholders. The fact that someone has a 10% share in the company versus someone with a 55% share, might mean that they do not always win votes when they are taken, but it still affords equal rights in many aspects of how a company operates.