Deciding Whether You Should Advertise Your Business On Facebook

Many business owners will claim that one of the problems they have regarding digital marketing is that there are so many options and marketing channels available online that they are overwhelmed by the huge number of choices they have. That is understandable and one of the reasons that digital marketing consultants advise that businesses should start by focussing on a few choices such as seo and social media, rather than using too many marketing options.

One of the digital marketing channels which many business owners consider is Facebook and in particular, their paid advertising. This has been known as Facebook Ads for many years although, with Facebook in the process of transitioning its branding, it is now branded under their “Meta For Business” platform.

So, if a business was considering paid advertising on Facebook, what might influence their decision? The first should be whether their business is a type that Facebook Ads allows as there are certain products and services which are prohibited. Examples include firearms, CBD products and adult content.

What Is SEO Management?

The importance of organic traffic is high, especially when research shows that over half of all the traffic websites receive is likely to come from search engines. The websites that are going to receive the bulk of that traffic are those which are ranked the highest, and that applies most to Google which accounts for over 90% of all search engine generated traffic. This means if you want to benefit from organic traffic you need to be near the top of Google’s search results.

The question is how do you get to be one of the top results when a search is entered in Google? The answer is search engine optimisation or SEO as it is more commonly referred to. SEO covers a wide-ranging number of actions and techniques, which have the cumulative effect of improving how Google views your website, which results in improved rankings. If we continue to apply the SEO tactics which are working, then the ultimate result is appearing in the #1 position for a search term.

The simple reason why many businesses fail to take advantage of these facts is that they do not know how to research, plan, and execute an SEO strategy. They could try, but the risks involved in trying to implement SEO when you do not know what you are doing can include your website being removed from Google’s pages, which effectively means it disappears altogether from their search results.

What Is an SEO Company?

The reply to this question is not going to be a quick one or two-line answer. While that might be the case if you asked what a dairy farm (produces milk), or dressmaking company (makes dresses) does, what an SEO company does is going to take a few paragraphs to explain.

The reason for that isn’t that it is too hard to explain what an SEO company is, it’s that each SEO company is unique. It is unique in many ways such as the types of services it offers, the number of services it offers, its size, number of employees, and in the exact way in which it achieves its results.

To help us answer the question, ‘What is a SEO company?‘, it will help us if we define what the goal of most SEO companies is. That goal is ‘to help businesses grow’. At first, it might seem to you to be a very simplistic answer, however, if we were to consider every SEO company’s list of services, they will all ultimately be leading towards that simple, but very important goal.

If we consider that further, let’s examine why a business would employ a SEO company. We can point to specific actions and objectives which might include creating better content for the company’s website, protecting online reputations with online reputation management or to improving the search engine rankings. However, these, and the many other services an SEO company might provide, are not the reason that the company has been employed.

Simply creating content, protecting a brand’s reputation and better search engine rankings, are merely a means to an end. That end, or final goal, is that the company grows thanks to the increased sales which happens as a result of the services that the SEO company has provided.

Optimising Your Property Business Website For Higher SEO Rankings

Your property marketing business has many ways it can be promoted, some of which are quick, one-offs, and others, which take some time, but can provide a long-term solution to your marketing. The SEO specialists at SEO Perth advise that the latter of those scenarios is preferable for any business owner wanting consistent, and prolonged results.

This is why most business owners are keen to see their website ranked highly on Google because that is not normally a flash in the pan. Instead, after consistent SEO actions, once a website achieves top rankings, it tends to retain them, especially if their competition does nothing to react.

For this to happen, you must implement an SEO strategy, and much of the work within that takes place on your website. Onsite optimisation is extremely  effective in boosting Google rankings, and because you are in full control of your website, there is no reason why it cannot be fully completed. Some of the main onsite factors are outlined below.

All Meta Data In Place: Throughout the coding and back office of your website, there are locations where metadata needs in place. Some of this includes page titles and headings within any content. This metadata must be 100% accurate and complete as it allows Google to fully understand what keywords you are trying to rank for, and its relevance to them.

Target Keywords Used Appropriately: With your metadata containing some of your keywords,, the other location they will appear is within your content. Do not make the mistake that many website owners make and think that using a keyword multiple times in a piece of content is the answer, as it is quite the opposite. Use them sparingly and in proper context within any content you publish.

4 SEO Trends in 2018

Every successful business in the world right now is taking full advantage of good SEO strategies for their websites, blogs, and their social media profiles. If your business is not doing the same, you might as well be digging your own grave because without good SEO rankings, your business will not be able to keep up with the rest of the competition. High ranking on SEO is going to make sure that your business stays relevant by helping your customers find your products and services online with ease.

SEO might seem very simple when you think about the fact that a lot of businesses are using it but it is actually quite challenging. The most difficult aspect of SEO is the fact that it is in a constant state of evolution. The “best practices” that worked last year might not even be relevant right now. This means, there is a need to keep up with the latest SEO trends if you want to stay ahead of the curve.

Here is a look at the 4 SEO trends that are tearing things up in 2018.

Secure Links
2016 saw Google make the announcement about the fact that secure links (SSL) are going to make a significant impact on the SEO ranking of websites. From being a simple announcement to becoming something that is more of a necessity, browsers like Google Chrome are now marking the websites that do not start with “https” as potentially unsafe for internet users. It’s one of the easiest ways to boost your SEO rankings and a trend that is here to stay.

The Risks Of Using Cheap SEO Services

Often when we sit down to write an answer to a question about SEO, we often do not fill the entire page. With the question ‘What are the risks of using cheap SEO services?’ the problem could be that we need multiple pages to answer it. The reason for that is using an SEO agency that does everything ‘on the cheap’ can create multiple issues for your website and in turn your business, many of which are irreversible.

Let’s start with a harsh truth that applies as much to the field of SEO, as they do in any industry. There will always be those who try to cut corners, use dubious tactics, employ high-risk techniques, and do it all for an easy payout. They set their prices low because that is the only way they can hope to compete with professionals in their field.

We are not to saying that all these cheap SEO agencies are dishonest or doing anything illegal, but with SEO, as with any product or service, you will ultimately only get what you pay for. If you pay bottom dollar for SEO services, then do not be surprised if, instead of being at the top of the rankings, you end up at the bottom of them.

With cheap SEO services, the research that takes place is likely to be extremely limited. Specifically, the SEO audit, if it takes place at all, will not analyse many of the most critical SEO factors that exist on your website. Thereafter, any plan which is cobbled together will be severely compromised and lacking any credible actions that are going to make a significant difference to your ranking.