Your property marketing business has many ways it can be promoted, some of which are quick, one-offs, and others, which take some time, but can provide a long-term solution to your marketing. The SEO specialists at SEO Perth advise that the latter of those scenarios is preferable for any business owner wanting consistent, and prolonged results.
This is why most business owners are keen to see their website ranked highly on Google because that is not normally a flash in the pan. Instead, after consistent SEO actions, once a website achieves top rankings, it tends to retain them, especially if their competition does nothing to react.
For this to happen, you must implement an SEO strategy, and much of the work within that takes place on your website. Onsite optimisation is extremely effective in boosting Google rankings, and because you are in full control of your website, there is no reason why it cannot be fully completed. Some of the main onsite factors are outlined below.
All Meta Data In Place: Throughout the coding and back office of your website, there are locations where metadata needs in place. Some of this includes page titles and headings within any content. This metadata must be 100% accurate and complete as it allows Google to fully understand what keywords you are trying to rank for, and its relevance to them.
Target Keywords Used Appropriately: With your metadata containing some of your keywords,, the other location they will appear is within your content. Do not make the mistake that many website owners make and think that using a keyword multiple times in a piece of content is the answer, as it is quite the opposite. Use them sparingly and in proper context within any content you publish.
High Quality Content Published And Scheduled: As well as your content having the appropriate keyword density, the other key feature your content must display is quality. You have no chance of ranking on Google if you have inferior content that no one wants to read. Make your content the best it can be, and also try to diversify what forms of content you use.
Internal Linking Optimised: Your offsite SEO should include building backlinks from other websites to boost your website’s authority in Google’s eyes. You can spread some of that authority to every page of your website by using internal linking strategically. Link from specific keywords on one page to another, and do not forget that you can also make images clickable so that they link elsewhere on your website too.
Page Load Speeds Checked: The speed that your website and all its pages open can hugely influence your ranking on Google. fast load speeds mean visitors will remain rather than click away immediately. This is measured by Google, so you obviously want it to be a positive that they see, rather than the negative of people clicking away due to a slow website.
All Coding And Functionality Fully Working: Quite simply, your website needs to function properly for the benefit of your visitors, and in turn, your Google rankings. Test everything and keep checking regularly just in case something has ‘broken’ that causes a problem with how your website operates.
Security Protocols In Place: Google sees website security as highly important therefore your website must have all the appropriate security protocols in place. In particular, it must have ‘HTTPS in its URL rather than just ‘HTTP’. This is achieved by activating an SSL security certificate from your hosting company.